ANEW --ran_next-- \ Wil Baden 2003-01-18 \ ********************************************************************* \ * * \ * D E Knuth 2002-11-10 * \ * * \ * ran_next ( -- 30-bit-random ) * \ * * \ * Knuth's recommended random number generator from TAOCP, * \ * updated 2002. (Ninth printing of third edition.) * \ * * \ * Transformed to pure Core Forth by Wil Baden from: * \ * * \ * * \ * This generator is good for a large billion (2^30) streams of * \ * billions of numbers, unlike a linear congruential sequence in * \ * 32-bIt arithmetic (good for one stream of a few million * \ * numbers), or a linear congruential sequence in 16-bit * \ * arithmetic, such as from _Starting Forth_ (good for one * \ * stream of about five dozen numbers). * \ * * \ * The same numbers are generated in Forth, C, and Fortran. * \ * * \ * Needs two's complement arithmetic. * \ * * \ * [Abstract by WB.] * \ * * \ ********************************************************************* \ Knuth: "Every block of 100 consecutive values ... in the subsequent \ output of ran_array will be distinct from the blocks that occur \ with another seed. .... Several processes can therefore start in \ parallel with different seeds and be sure that they are doing \ independent calculations." 100 CONSTANT KK \ the long lag 37 CONSTANT LL \ the short lag 1 30 LSHIFT CONSTANT MM \ the modulus : TH S" CELLS + " EVALUATE ; IMMEDIATE : @PTR @ ; : !PTR ! ; CREATE ran_x KK CELLS ALLOT \ the generator state \ *************************** ran_array *************************** \ oo> Knuth's program comments are in unpunctuated lower-case. R 2dup KK - TH @ R> mod_diff ran_x I TH ! 1+ LOOP KK LL ?DO 2dup KK - TH @ ran_x I LL - TH @ mod_diff ran_x I TH ! 1+ LOOP 2DROP ; \ the following routines are from exercise 3.6--15 \ after calling ran_start, get new randoms by, e.g., "x=ran_arr_next()" 1009 CONSTANT QUALITY \ recommended quality level for high-res use CREATE ran_arr_buf QUALITY CELLS ALLOT CREATE ran_arr_dummy -1 , CREATE ran_arr_started -1 , \ [pointer to] the next random number, or -1 CREATE ran_arr_ptr 0 , ran_arr_dummy ran_arr_ptr !PTR \ guaranteed separation between streams 70 CONSTANT TT \ *************************** ran_start *************************** \ ran_start ( seed -- ) \ do this before using ran_array \ seed selector for different streams KK 2* 1- CELLS CREATE X ALLOT \ the preparation buffer : ran_start ( seed -- ) dup 2 + MM 2 - AND ( seed ss) KK 0 DO dup X I TH ! \ bootstrap the buffer 1 LSHIFT dup MM < NOT \ cyclic shift 29 bits IF MM 2 - - THEN LOOP DROP ( seed) 1 X CELL+ +! \ make x[1] (and only x[1]) odd TT 1- over MM 1- AND ( seed t ss) BEGIN over WHILE 1 KK 1- DO \ "square" X I TH @ X I 2* TH ! 0 X I 2* 1- TH ! -1 +LOOP KK KK 2* 2 - DO X I KK LL - - TH @ X I TH @ mod_diff X I KK LL - - TH ! X I KK - TH @ X I TH @ mod_diff X I KK - TH ! -1 +LOOP dup 1 AND IF \ "multiply by z" 1 KK DO X I 1- TH @ X I TH ! -1 +LOOP X KK TH @ X ! \ shift the buffer cyclically X LL TH @ X KK TH @ mod_diff X LL TH ! THEN dup IF 1 RSHIFT ELSE DROP 1- 0 THEN REPEAT 2DROP DROP ( ) LL 0 DO X I TH @ ran_x I KK + LL - TH ! LOOP KK LL DO X I TH @ ran_x I LL - TH ! LOOP 10 0 DO X KK 2* 1- ran_array LOOP \ warm things up ran_arr_started ran_arr_ptr !PTR ; \ ************************* ran_arr_cycle ************************* \ ran_arr_cycle ( -- urandom ) : ran_arr_cycle ( -- urandom ) ran_arr_ptr @PTR ran_arr_dummy = \ the user forgot to initialize IF 314159 ran_start THEN ran_arr_buf QUALITY ran_array -1 ran_arr_buf 100 TH !PTR ran_arr_buf CELL+ ran_arr_ptr !PTR ran_arr_buf @ ; \ *************************** ran_next **************************** \ ran_next ( -- 30-bit-random ) \ after calling ran_start, get new randoms by, e.g., \ "x=ran_arr_next()" \ [Knuth defines ran_arr_next in C as a macro, but this is not \ appropriate for Forth.] : ran_next ( -- 30-bit-random ) ran_arr_ptr @PTR @ dup 0< IF DROP ran_arr_cycle ELSE 1 CELLS ran_arr_PTR +! THEN ; \ ran_unif ( m -- u ) (WB) \ Uniformly distributed random number in range 0 <= u < m. \ Rejects highest MM mod m numbers from the RNG output. \ *** Uses MOD twice *** : ran_unif ( m - u ) MM 2dup SWAP MOD - ( m MM-rem) BEGIN ran_Next ( m MM-rem random) 2dup > NOT WHILE DROP REPEAT NIP SWAP MOD ; \ ******************************************************************* \ * Optional Test * \ ******************************************************************* \ Test for the correctness of the update. MARKER ONCE CREATE A 2009 CELLS ALLOT : MAIN ( -- ) 310952 ran_start 2009 1+ 0 DO A 1009 ran_array LOOP CR A @ . ." should be 995235265 " 310952 ran_Start 1009 1+ 0 DO A 2009 ran_array LOOP CR A @ . ." should be 995235265 " ; MAIN ONCE \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\